by Max Zaska | Jul 25, 2019 | Shouts
FollowFollowFollowFollow FollowFollowFollowFollow Low Volume Funk Among legends It’s a total buzz to be added to a Spotify playlist filled with legends in your genre. So, mad love to Ari Herstand for adding ‘Snarky’ to his outstandingly funky...
by Max Zaska | Jul 22, 2019 | Shouts
FollowFollowFollowFollow FollowFollowFollowFollow VULFPECK + ZASKA Starts Now 28 Reasons What could be funkier than Vulfpeck and Zaska releasing a song together? Absolutely nothing. Every day for the next 28 days (starting July 22nd) I’ll be posting a reason why...
by Max Zaska | Jun 26, 2019 | Shouts
New Funky Website! What’s the buzzzz?! I’m stoked to launch my new website, built with nothing but the funk. It’s the first phase of new features to come… Like a new merch store, new merch, and some other delish things. This blog will be the...