€4100+ Raised for Direct Provision Guitars!

The original goal was €2200 to buy 20 x guitars, cases, tuners, strings and stands for the residents at the Hazel Direct Provision Centre in Monasterevin, Co. Kildare.
That leaves an additional €1900 for more instruments and supplies. When I met with the residents last week, they requested a few keyboards and some child-sized guitars.
I also received offers of support to teach and to hook me up with more instruments including a bass, a cello, more guitars, and percussion.
It’s going to take me a while to sort out these amazing offers and see how they can best work. It may be that we spread the goodwill to another Direct Provision Centre.
In the meantime, I’ll go ahead and get the original 20 guitars, including a few child-sized ones, and a couple of keyboards for the Hazel DPC.
I’ll be taking down the Gofundme page in order to cap donations and keep the project manageable. I will post updates about the project here on my blog and anyone can get in touch directly through:
zaska (at) zaskamusic (dot) com.
You’re all a bunch of ledgebags and I can’t thank you enough!